Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate / Bischofite

Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate / Bischofite

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2×6H2O), known as bischofite, is a compound plentiful in nature and the third most abundant in sea water.

Thanks to the unique climate conditions at its production sites, SQM’s operations in the Salar de Atacama (Chile) allow bischofite to be obtained in a dry state, which is not possible anywhere else in the world.

Use Format Quality Packaging
Road stabilization and dust control Crystals Mg > 10,8% Bulk
Ice control Crystals Mg > 11% Bulk
Industrial Crystals Mg > 11,3% Bulk

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  • Roads with longer useful lives thanks to less material loss and dust emission.
  • Better health and physical conditions due to reduced impact of suspended dust.
  • Increased safety, visibility and stabilization for operations.
  • Greater water and cost savings as an effective dust suppressor on roads, saving on water consumption and water trucks.
  • Reduced accident rate due to prevention of accidents from ice on roads.
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2×6H2O), known as bischofile, is a compound plentiful in nature and the third most abundant in sea water. Thanks to the unique climate conditions at its production sites, SQM's operations in the Salar de Atacama (Chile) allow bischofite to be obtained in a dry state, which is not possible anywhere else in the world.
Magnesium chloride has some qualities that make it different from other salts, primarily that it:
  • Absorbs moisture: This highly hygroscopic material absorbs moisture from the environment when humidity is above 32%.
  • Dissolves in absorbed moisture: The salt’s deliquescent property enables it to dissolve as it absorbs moisture, generating the sensation that roads are continually watered and suppressing dust.
  • Is resistant to evaporation and freezing: The brine produced with bischofite has a low evaporation temperature (3 times less than water) and its freezing temperature can reach -32.8 ºC.
  • Highly water soluble: Up to 1.5 tons can be dissolved in just 1 cubic meter of water.